Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sopa de Fideo

This is my last post for a little while, so I figured I'd make it a simple one. Sopa de fideo is a Mexican dish my husband loves. It's like Chicken Soup for the Hispanic's Soul!

First step, as always, is to get your ingredients together.
Now it's time to fry your pasta. Fry my pasta, you say? Yes, indeed! Put a couple tablespoons of oil in your pot and add your pasta.  Fry until golden brown.
While that's browning (KEEP AN EYE ON IT), blend together all the other ingredients.
Add the blended ingredients to your browned fideo, and stir together. At this point, if you'd like to add a meat, like chicken, do so.  Cook until the noodles are limp.
Serve by itself or with a little lemon juice.

1 box vermicelli fideo
3/4 cup chopped tomatoes
4-5 tbs tomato sauce
2 tbs chopped onions
2 tbs oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp cumin
2 cups chicken or vegetable broth
3 cups water
1-2 cups cooked chicken, chopped (optional)

Blend all ingredients minus oil, fideo, and chicken.  Fry fideo in oil until golden brown. Add blended ingredients and cook until soupy. Enjoy!

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